Selecting a Driver Training School for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make. Here are some things that you should consider before choosing a Driver Training School for your child:
- Segment 1 classes must be a minimum of 24 full hours of classroom instruction, as prescribed by state law, following a printed lesson plan available for your inspection & a minimum of 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction that involves urban, rural, and expressway driving.
- Segment 2 must consist of a minimum of 6 hours of classroom instruction.
- The various performance objectives enumerated in the state law Driver Education Provider and Instructor Act (PA 384 of 2006) determine the lesson plans for Segments 1 and 2.
- Class sizes in fall, winter, and spring are usually 12-15 students. In the summer, our busiest time, class sizes may be as large as 25 students.
- Vehicles are current late-model cars, with dual brakes, in good condition with large driver training signs.
- Textbooks are current and in good condition. Each student will receive a variety of materials including a copy of the state driver's handbook and the state graduated licensing rules.
- Instructors will keep a record of each student's progress and the school will be able to accommodate different learning styles and speeds.
- Classes will be open for your attendance and inspection.
- Instructors are experienced and receive regular workshop training. Further, the instructors will know what is required to pass the third party driving skills examination.
My Turn to Drive meets all of these qualifications. In addition we will do our best to customize the schedule around the student's activities for small groups. We have also adapted the curriculum and driving objectives to accomodate special needs students.
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